Health 2025-02-08 16:24:58

3 steps to protect your heart and lungs while running

Here's how to breathe while running:

Step 1: Warm up your lungs

A good dynamic warm-up can increase your heart rate and blood circulation.

This can help prepare your respiratory system by loosening up your muscles, making it easier for your diaphragm to expand.

In addition to chest exercises, yoga is also a great way to warm up.

Positions like Child's Pose, Cobra Pose, and Cow Pose can help you breathe better.

Step 2: Maintain good running posture

A good running posture can strengthen your core and relieve tension, making it easier to breathe while running.

Maintain a neutral posture with your head and neck aligned, looking forward.

A common tip for running properly that people often overlook is to relax your shoulders and neck.

Maybe when you first start practicing this sport, you are not used to it, your body will tend to lean forward a little and stiffen your shoulders when running.

Pay attention, slowly relax your shoulders, relax your shoulders in the most comfortable position. T

Avoid hunching your shoulders and back forward too much, causing back pain and hunchback.

Step 3: Breathe through your nose or mouth

Breathing only through your nose or mouth may not make the most of your lung capacity, leading to less oxygen when you exercise.

Breathing in through both your nose and mouth can help you get the most oxygen.

When running, inhale through your nose and mouth rhythmically, alternating between steps to adjust your breathing. Exhale through your mouth to quickly release carbon dioxide.

Focusing on breathing while running helps improve lung function and capacity while increasing awareness of breathing.

A study published in the International Journal of Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention found that breathing exercises were reported to have positive physiological effects on the body.

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