Tips 2025-02-07 16:44:59

5 ways to distinguish rice

1. Observe the external appearance to distinguish fake rice from real rice:

Fake rice grains do not need to be sown, do not go through the seedling process, do not need to be cared for and harvested every day. But tons of rice are still produced. Like this, the health of consumers will be negatively affected by diseases, followed by Vietnamese farmers losing all faith in rice cultivation. You can recognize fake rice and real rice by visual observation.
Fake rice has unusual signs from a long, slender shape up to 10mm, evenly spaced without any broken, chipped or silvery grains. Fake rice grains are small in width, clear white, when held in the palm of the hand, you cannot feel the bran dust and the rice does not have a characteristic aroma.

Real rice is only about 6 to 7mm long, large in width, and uneven in size between grains. There are grains that are chipped due to the milling process, when held in the palm of the hand, they leave bran dust and have a very characteristic aroma.

The most worrying thing is that when fake rice is mixed with real rice and sold on the market, it will be very difficult to distinguish. Experts recommend that consumers should observe carefully before buying to avoid encountering products that do not ensure quality.

2. Soak rice in water:
According to the Straits Times, fake rice can be made from potatoes or sweet potatoes, mixed with synthetic resin, steamed with rice flavor, and will have an appearance identical to regular rice. Health experts also said that our digestive system and health will be seriously affected if we eat this type of rice. However, if you want to know whether the rice you bought is real or fake, you can try it with water.

3. Soak in water:

Pour a tablespoon of rice into a glass of water, if all the rice grains sink to the bottom, it is real rice, but if the rice grains float on the surface of the water, it is fake rice. Moreover, if soaked in water for a while, real rice will swell, but fake rice will not.

4. Washing rice:
According to the experience of some rice traders, there is a very thin layer of bran dust on the outside of real rice grains, containing vitamin B1. When washing, the rice washing water will be white or ivory white because the bran layer is peeled off the rice grains, making the water cloudy. In addition, when you squeeze a handful of rice and let go, many rice grains still stick to the palm of your hand thanks to the coating. As for fake rice, because it is made of plastic, the rice washing water is still clear and less sticky in the palm of your hand.

5. Burn or roast rice with fire:
Try burning rice with fire. Fake rice will catch fire immediately and smell like plastic. You can also put rice in a pan and roast it evenly. If the rice grains change color evenly and have a characteristic aroma, it is real rice. If the rice melts and smells burnt or clumps together, it is fake rice.

6. Try pounding rice:
Fake rice is made from potatoes or sweet potatoes with synthetic resin, then pressed into rice grain form. When you pound the rice with a pestle and mortar, real rice will be crushed and become a white starch, while fake rice will turn into a light yellow color.

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