Tips 2025-02-07 16:45:01

Tr.ea.ting black mold and peeling stains

If your family is also experiencing black mold, blistering or peeling walls, before proceeding to deal with the problem further, you can clean it with simple ingredients that almost every house has. These include lemon, vinegar, baking soda and bleach.

1. With vinegar:

Although vinegar is a familiar spice used in the kitchen, it also has the effect of cleaning objects effectively, thanks to the acid it contains. According to The Spruce, distilled white vinegar is acidic enough to break down the structure and destroy mold stains effectively and quickly. WikiHow also said that vinegar is a good solution for mold on any surface, including carpets or wooden objects, and the same goes for walls.

The method is extremely simple as follows: Pour vinegar into a bottle or spray bottle, then spray on the moldy wall areas that need cleaning. Leave it for about 30 minutes for the vinegar to penetrate deeply into the mold stains. Finally, use a soft cloth to wipe it clean.

For more stubborn mold stains, you can also combine vinegar with another ingredient, which is baking soda. Baking soda, although not a natural ingredient like vinegar, is still quite safe for human health. It can also be used in cooking or cleaning teeth.

You will mix vinegar and baking soda together, so that you have a thick mixture. Then use a brush to scrub the mixture onto the moldy wall areas that need to be cleaned. With this mixture, just soak for about 15 minutes. Finally, use a clean cloth to wipe it off and let the wall dry naturally.

2. With lemon:

Similar to vinegar, lemon also contains acid, so it is also effective in cleaning stains or mold. However, the method with lemon is only suitable for mold stains that are not too serious.

The method is to cut the lemon in half, then use the halves to rub on the surfaces that need to be cleaned. Another way is to squeeze the lemon and take the juice into a cup. Then use a brush to absorb the lemon juice and scrub the wall surface. Finally, use clean water and a soft cloth to wipe it again.

3. With bleach:

Bleach is the last method that users should consider, because although it is highly effective, the smell of bleach is not friendly to human health, especially in a space that is too small and closed.

Bleach will work on both concrete walls, brick walls and glass walls. Before cleaning mold with bleach, equip yourself with gloves and a mask, and open all the doors in the house.

How to do it: Mix bleach with water in a ratio of 1:2. For example, with a cleaning area of ​​20m2 of wall, use 1 liter of bleach and 2 liters of clean water. Next, use a paint roller dipped in the solution and roll it on the moldy wall, then use a brush to clean it. Once the mold stains have been scrubbed clean, use a fan to blow on the wall to help the chemical smell dissipate faster.

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